API Documentation
The Sasa Pay API provides programmatic access to allow Merchants get paid by their customers using Sasa Pay. Authentication to the API uses Oauth2.

To use this API, you need an active Sasa Pay Account. This portal provides a platform to generate Client ID and Client Secret. To access resources, you need an Access Token which can be obtained by posting the generated Client ID and Secret to the relevant endpoint. Please contact us at info@sasapay.co.ke for more information. Remember to store your credentials securely.

This document describes in detail the payload structures for the following services:
• Authentication
• Client to Business Payment (C2B)
• Business to Client Payment (B2C)

The developer/third party needs to register on the API gateway accessible on the below link.

To authenticate and get an access token, you need to make a POST call to the following url:

Field Type Description
username string Your App's username
password string Your App's password
client_id string Your App's client id(Consumer Key)
client_secret string Your App's client secret (Consumer Secret).
curl --location --request POST 'https://sandbox.skoinapp.net/api/v1/auth/token/' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "username": "xxxxxx", "password" : "xxxxxx", "client_id": "xxxxxx", "client_secret": "xxxxxx" }'
{ "status": true, "detail": "Authentication successful", "auth_details": { "access_token": "1we46wtssihdhh63jjg5bVHjJ1Oafxc15rbKcIH", "expires_in": 36000, "token_type": "Bearer", "scope": "read write merchants", "refresh_token": "zUZL5ePghdhs45dFbVGIPQ3uQszPTnmf14oRDXv" } }
C2B Payments
The Sasa Pay API provides programmatic access to allow Merchants get paid by their customers using Sasa Pay.
Request Payment

To request payment, you need to make a POST call to the following url:

Field Type Description
bill_number string Your Biller Number
customer_mobile string Customer's mobile number as registered with Sasa Pay
transaction_ref string Unique transaction reference
transaction_description string A brief description of the transaction
currency string Currency
amount integer Transaction Amount
callback_url string Callback url to send results to
curl --location --request POST 'https://sandbox.skoinapp.net/api/v1/payments/request-payment/' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "biller_number": "565656", "customer_mobile": "254726XXXXXX", "transaction_ref": "102052", "transaction_description": "Pay for groceries", "currency": "KES", "amount": 200, "callback_url":"http://example.com/api/v1/payments/results/" }'
{ "status": true, "detail": "OTP sent. Share the code to complete transaction", "checkout_id": "deb4bc7e-23cb-4c59-845c-c438d315aa0d" }
Process Payments

To conclude payment you need to make a POST call to the following url:

Field Type Description
biller_number string Your Biller Number
checkout_id string The checkout id obtained in the previous step
customer_mobile string Customer's mobile number as registered with Sasa Pay
otp string The One Time Passcode code sent the Customer's mobile number
curl --location --request POST 'https://sandbox.skoinapp.net/api/v1/payments/process-payment/' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "checkout_id": "deb4bc7e-23cb-4c59-845c-c438d315aa0d", "biller_number": "565656", "customer_mobile": "25472XXXXXX", "otp": "123456" }'
{ "status": true, "detail": "Transaction submitted for processing" } # If merchant has provided a result URL, Callback Response Data will have the following format { "PaymentGateway":"SasaPay", "TransactionType":"C2B", "TransID": "deb4bc7e-23cb-4c59-845c-c438d315aa0d", "TransTime":"20210919083214", "TransAmount":"300.00", "BusinessShortCode": "565656", "BillRefNumber":"102052", "InvoiceNumber":"102052", "OrgAccountBalance":"", "ThirdPartyTransID":"102052", "MSISDN":"25472XXXXXX", "FirstName":"Jane", "MiddleName":"Doe", "LastName":"" }
B2C Payments
The Sasa Pay API provides programmatic access to allow Merchants get paid by their customers using Sasa Pay.
Initiate Payment

To request payment you need to make a POST call to the following url:

Field Type Description
bill_number string Your Biller Number
recipient_mobile string Customer's mobile number as registered with Sasa Pay
transaction_ref string Unique transaction reference
transaction_type string The transaction type. Must be set to 'B2C'
remarks string A brief description of the transaction
currency string Currency
amount integer Transaction Amount
callback_url url Callback url to send results to
curl --location --request POST 'https://sandbox.skoinapp.net/api/v1/payments/b2c/' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer Q9w7s6uefquQt0xVOq6UiJeu3HYYSHr' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "transaction_ref": 1020, "transaction_type": "B2C", "remarks": "Refund", "biller_number" : "M-001", "recipient_mobile": "072645xxxx", "amount": 300, "callback_url":"https://example.com/callbacks" }'
{ "status": true, "detail": "Transaction is being processed", "transaction": { "transaction_ref": 1020, "transaction_type": "B2C", "biller_number": "M-001", "recipient_mobile": "072645xxxx", "amount": 300.0, "remarks": "Refund" } }
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Every coin counts
SasaPay is a mobile money platform which is a product of ViewTech Limited, authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya, in compliance with the National Payment System (NPS) Act 2011 and the National Payments System regulations 2014.
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